About me

Rieke C. Harmsen
Chief Editor Online | Digital Strategist

I am passionate about digital transformation, innovation and leadership in NGOs. I have more than 20 years of experience in journalism, storytelling and digital media.

As head of digital / chief editor online for the independent media association EPV in Munich, Germany, I am responsible for the digitalization of our company. I have deep expertise in developing and executing strategies for the digital transformation.

I am an experienced team leader, coach and mentor. My online team (+30 people) redesigns and develop products, manage partnerships, introduces new products and seeks web solutions especially for small companies and NGOs. I am passionate about diversity, mentorship and leadership.

As my last job I worked as journalist and editor for the news agency epd, Munich. The agency has about 100 journalists in germany and delivers news to more than 100 newspapers, tv and radio stations in the country.

I have an international background and lived in Chicago, Geneva, Amsterdam and different places in Germany. Beside my mother tongue german, I speak english and french fluently as well as italian and dutch.

Scientific work: Thesis about the history of german resistance. Research about Werner and Hans-Bernd von Haeften and their attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler on July 20th, 1944.

Rieke Harmsen

Rieke C. Harmsen (Copyright: Topp)



Women in Church and Society (WCC)Digital Media Women (DMW)
Verband Deutscher Kunsthistoriker
Forschungsgemeinschaft 20. Juli 1944
Bayerischer Journalistenverband (BJV)
Kunstausschuss St. Lukaskirche München

Social Media

Twitter: twitter.com/riekeharmsen
Facebook: facebook.com/rieke.harmsen
Instagram (artwork): instagram.com/riekeharmsen/
Instagram (beruflich): instagram.com/rieke_harmsen/
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/riekeharmsen/

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